Coffee Mousse

April 18, 2022

By diet



This one’s for all you coffee lovers out there!  This is delightfully light after a big meal.  Been making this since before low-carb was a household word!  This recipe is even OK for Atkins Induction and Keto diets alike, without modifications.

More delicious low-carb recipes can be at your fingertips with your very own set of Jennifer Eloff and friends’ best-selling cookbooks LOW CARBING AMONG FRIENDS.  They are filled with tasty dishes from famous low-carb Chef George Stella, Jennifer Eloff, and other talented cooks (myself among them).  Order your set today, or you can order individual volumes if you prefer.  These make wonderful gifts!  Order at Amazon or get your special pricing at our direct order site:

INGREDIENTS: 1½ tsp. unflavored gelatin stirred into 2 T. cold water

1 tsp. instant freeze-dried coffee crystals, dissolved in 2T. boiling water

2 pkts. Splenda, Truvia or sweetener of your choice

1 T. butter, unsalted

1 ice cube

4 oz. heavy cream, whipped

½ tsp. vanilla

DIRECTIONS:  Sprinkle gelatin over 2T. cold water in small saucepan.  Stir and let stand for 1 minute.   Add 2 T. more water and bring the mixture to a boil.  Lower heat to lowest setting.  Add the coffee granule/hot water mixture.  Heat this mixture stirring constantly until gelatin appears to be completely dissolved.  Add butter and stir until melted. Remove from heat.  Stir in sweetener, ice cube and stir until ice is melted and mixture begins to thicken.

In separate bowl, whip heavy cream until thick, add vanilla and stir to blend.  Reserve 2-3 T. for garnish. When the mocha mixture is cooled down, slowly stir most of the whipped cream (be sure you saved out 2-3 T. for garnish) into the mocha mixture.  Spoon into two pretty clear serving dishes.  Top with a nice dollop of sweetened whipped cream that you reserved.  Sprinkle a few crushed coffee granules over each serving and garnish with a sprig of mint or a strawberry slice.  Chill.

NUTRITIONAL INFO:  Makes two servings, each containing:

258 cals, 28 g fat, 2.6g carbs, 0g fiber, 2.6 NET CARBS, 1.56g protein, 24 mg sodium

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